Continental Starter Adapter Overhaul

Continental Starter Adapter Overhaul

Starter adapter overhaul includes all recommended inspections, Alodine housings and external hardware is gold cadmium plated. Assembly includes new seals, gaskets and bearings. Shaft gears are reground, Magnafluxed and fitted with a new clutch spring. Certain models may be available for exchange. Call to check stock if you require immediate shipment.


Engine Series

Price Range

O300 / O346 $ 1,295.00 - $ 1,495.00
O360 / IO360 / TSIO360 $ 1,495.00 - $ 2,825.00
O470 / IO470       $ 1295.00
IO520 / TSIO520 $ 1,295.00 - $ 2,444.00
IO550 / TSIO550 $ 1,295.00 - $ 2,444.00




Please visit our website for specific adapter part numbers and application.

Prices will vary based on core condition. The price above includes normally replaced parts. Some Models may not quality for flat rate pricing. See website for details of additional charges.

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Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure all information on this website is accurate, Aircraft Specialties Services does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. All specifications, illustrations, data and prices are subject to change without notice. Applications and interchangeability information depicted on this website is strictly for reference only. Installers must consult the engine/airframe IPC for the manufacturer’s approved data. All prices "each" unless specified. Images represent attributes, not quantity. Application information is provided for reference only. Make sure to refer to the applicable airframe/engine manufacturer's manual for exact application information.