

Crankshafts receive a thorough inspection upon arrival. A unique serial number is permanently etched onto the part. Crankshafts are then disassembled, cleaned, and magnetic particle inspected. If no cracks or metallurgical flaws are found, a detailed dimensional evaluation and visual inspection is performed. Crankshafts found within repair limits will be repaired on a custom shop work order. If bearing journals are reground the crankshaft must be nitrided to restore wear surface hardness, and increase fatigue strength. A second magnetic particle is done and the propeller flange is cadmium plated for corrosion protection. Precision digital dynamic balancing is available which improves longevity and results in a smoother running engine. Installation of counterweight assembly onto the crankshaft is available. A complete final inspection is performed on the crankshaft, and an 8130 maintenance release is issued. Lastly the component is oil preserved in a plastic sleeve, and secured in a custom foam protected package for shipping.


MPI, Dimension Only (Certify is Possible)

4 Cylinder $ 196.00
6 Cylinder $ 261.00
8 Cylinder $ 405.00


Premium Polish - MPI, Dim, Cad Plate Flange and Certify

4 Cylinder $ 514.00
6 Cylinder $ 604.00
8 Cylinder $ 1,150.00


Complete Precision Machining - Nitride, Cad Plate, Premium Polish and Certify

4 Cylinder - W/O Nitride (A65, A75, C85 - M10) $ 733.00
4 Cylinder $ 873.00
6 Cylinder $ 1,158.00
8 Cylinder $ 2,154.00
ASSI M20 STC* (Continental A65, A75, C85, O-200) $ 1,027.00

*Price Includes STC Authorization


Non-Repairable Clean and Inspection Fee (All Crankshafts)

All Crankshafts $ 102.00



Continental (Most)     (Re-bush) $ 64.00
Lycoming (All)     (Re-bush) $ 175.00
Continental GTSIO-520     (Repair for Re-use) $ 227.00
Replace C.W. on Crankshaft     (Per Blade) $ 51.00
Assemble C.W. on Crankshaft $ 91.00
Continental GO-300 C.W.   RFQ


Propeller Shaft and Hub

Cont. Propeller Shaft (Prop Shaft) - Polish Journals and Cad Plate $ 522.00
Cont. Propeller Shaft (Prop Shaft) - Machine & Polish Journals & Cad Plate $ 907.00
Cont. Propeller Shaft Drive (Bull Gear) - Polish Journals $ 364.00
Cont. Propeller Shaft Drive (Bull Gear) - Machine & Polish Journals $ 621.00
A65 / C85 Propeller Hub - MPI, Dimension check and Cad Plate $ 251.00
Inspection Fee, Non-Repairable   57.00


Crankshaft Dynamic Balance

Check Balance Only (No Corrections Required) $ 150.00
 4 Cylinder* $ 271.00
 6 Cylinder* $ 332.00
 8 Cylinder* $ 470.00

* Prices shown are with overhaul. If stand-alone add $75.00.

Balance with counterweights included, add $30.00.


Other Repairs

Cad Plate & Bake Crankshaft Flange (All) $ 219.00
Chrome Repair Propeller Pilot (Lyc. or Cont.) $ 742.00
Oil Seal Repair (Lyc. Or Cont.) $ 357.00
Replace Dowel (Lyc. or Cont.) $ 39.00
Chrome Repair Rear Gear Mount (Franklin) $ 742.00


Continental Service Bulletins and Repairs

Ultrasonic Inspection IAW 87-23-08 $ 227.00
MPI and Ultrasonic Inspection $ 353.00
Cont. Propeller Flange Repair (Per ASSI Process) $ 341.00


Lycoming Service Bulletins and Repairs

Repair Gear Mount Counter Bore Dia. Oversized P.005 or P.010 $ 395.00
Crankshaft Gear Chrome Repair - Per ASSI Process 070908 - Includes Gear Machining $ 700.00
Chrome Repair Gear Mount Counter-Bore to Standard - Per S.B. 475 $ 1,501.00
Crankshaft Gear Copper Repair - Per S.B. 475 - Includes Gear Machining $ 600.00
Machine Gear Pilot Mounting Face $ 176.00
Machine Gear (Per S.B. 475) $ 200.00
Repair Front Main I.D. Bore and Coat (Per S.B. 505 / 530) $ 501.00
Repair Front Main I.D. Bore and Coat (Per ASSI Repair 0014) $ 570.00
Lyc. Propeller Flange Repair (Per ASSI Process 2019-01-003) $ 407.00
Replace Sludge Tubes (Parts Not Included in Price) $ 24.00


Prices listed above are “per item” and do not include parts, except where noted. All prices listed are reflecting $ USD.

Certain items may be issued a Dual Release (FAA/EASA). Prices are subject to change without notice.

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Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure all information on this website is accurate, Aircraft Specialties Services does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. All specifications, illustrations, data and prices are subject to change without notice. Applications and interchangeability information depicted on this website is strictly for reference only. Installers must consult the engine/airframe IPC for the manufacturer’s approved data. All prices "each" unless specified. Images represent attributes, not quantity. Application information is provided for reference only. Make sure to refer to the applicable airframe/engine manufacturer's manual for exact application information.