Crankshafts receive a thorough inspection upon arrival. A unique serial number is permanently etched onto the part. Crankshafts are then disassembled, cleaned, and magnetic particle inspected. If no cracks or metallurgical flaws are found, a detailed dimensional evaluation and visual inspection is performed. Crankshafts found within repair limits will be repaired on a custom shop work order. If bearing journals are reground the crankshaft must be nitrided to restore wear surface hardness, and increase fatigue strength. A second magnetic particle is done and the propeller flange is cadmium plated for corrosion protection. Precision digital dynamic balancing is available which improves longevity and results in a smoother running engine. Installation of counterweight assembly onto the crankshaft is available. A complete final inspection is performed on the crankshaft, and an 8130 maintenance release is issued. Lastly the component is oil preserved in a plastic sleeve, and secured in a custom foam protected package for shipping.
MPI, Dimension Only (Certify is Possible)
4 Cylinder | $ | 196.00 |
6 Cylinder | $ | 261.00 |
8 Cylinder | $ | 405.00 |
Premium Polish - MPI, Dim, Cad Plate Flange and Certify
4 Cylinder | $ | 514.00 |
6 Cylinder | $ | 604.00 |
8 Cylinder | $ | 1,150.00 |
Complete Precision Machining - Nitride, Cad Plate, Premium Polish and Certify
4 Cylinder - W/O Nitride (A65, A75, C85 - M10) | $ | 733.00 |
4 Cylinder | $ | 873.00 |
6 Cylinder | $ | 1,158.00 |
8 Cylinder | $ | 2,154.00 |
ASSI M20 STC* (Continental A65, A75, C85, O-200) | $ | 1,027.00 |
*Price Includes STC Authorization
Non-Repairable Clean and Inspection Fee (All Crankshafts)
All Crankshafts | $ | 102.00 |
Continental (Most) (Re-bush) | $ | 64.00 |
Lycoming (All) (Re-bush) | $ | 175.00 |
Continental GTSIO-520 (Repair for Re-use) | $ | 227.00 |
Replace C.W. on Crankshaft (Per Blade) | $ | 51.00 |
Assemble C.W. on Crankshaft | $ | 91.00 |
Continental GO-300 C.W. | RFQ |
Propeller Shaft and Hub
Cont. Propeller Shaft (Prop Shaft) - Polish Journals and Cad Plate | $ | 522.00 |
Cont. Propeller Shaft (Prop Shaft) - Machine & Polish Journals & Cad Plate | $ | 907.00 |
Cont. Propeller Shaft Drive (Bull Gear) - Polish Journals | $ | 364.00 |
Cont. Propeller Shaft Drive (Bull Gear) - Machine & Polish Journals | $ | 621.00 |
A65 / C85 Propeller Hub - MPI, Dimension check and Cad Plate | $ | 251.00 |
Inspection Fee, Non-Repairable | 57.00 |
Crankshaft Dynamic Balance
Check Balance Only (No Corrections Required) | $ | 150.00 |
4 Cylinder* | $ | 271.00 |
6 Cylinder* | $ | 332.00 |
8 Cylinder* | $ | 470.00 |
* Prices shown are with overhaul. If stand-alone add $75.00.
Balance with counterweights included, add $30.00.
Other Repairs
Cad Plate & Bake Crankshaft Flange (All) | $ | 219.00 |
Chrome Repair Propeller Pilot (Lyc. or Cont.) | $ | 742.00 |
Oil Seal Repair (Lyc. Or Cont.) | $ | 357.00 |
Replace Dowel (Lyc. or Cont.) | $ | 39.00 |
Chrome Repair Rear Gear Mount (Franklin) | $ | 742.00 |
Continental Service Bulletins and Repairs
Ultrasonic Inspection IAW 87-23-08 | $ | 227.00 |
MPI and Ultrasonic Inspection | $ | 353.00 |
Cont. Propeller Flange Repair (Per ASSI Process) | $ | 341.00 |
Lycoming Service Bulletins and Repairs
Repair Gear Mount Counter Bore Dia. Oversized P.005 or P.010 | $ | 395.00 |
Crankshaft Gear Chrome Repair - Per ASSI Process 070908 - Includes Gear Machining | $ | 700.00 |
Chrome Repair Gear Mount Counter-Bore to Standard - Per S.B. 475 | $ | 1,501.00 |
Crankshaft Gear Copper Repair - Per S.B. 475 - Includes Gear Machining | $ | 600.00 |
Machine Gear Pilot Mounting Face | $ | 176.00 |
Machine Gear (Per S.B. 475) | $ | 200.00 |
Repair Front Main I.D. Bore and Coat (Per S.B. 505 / 530) | $ | 501.00 |
Repair Front Main I.D. Bore and Coat (Per ASSI Repair 0014) | $ | 570.00 |
Lyc. Propeller Flange Repair (Per ASSI Process 2019-01-003) | $ | 407.00 |
Replace Sludge Tubes (Parts Not Included in Price) | $ | 24.00 |
Prices listed above are “per item” and do not include parts, except where noted. All prices listed are reflecting $ USD.
Certain items may be issued a Dual Release (FAA/EASA). Prices are subject to change without notice.
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