A: When your order reaches the "Awaiting Fulfillment" stage it mean that we are waiting on a part (or parts) to complete your order. While we try to maintain a large inventory of the most popular parts we occasionally need to order a part from the manufacturer which usually only takes a day. Once that part is received we move it to our packing department to be packed and shipped. The next status you will see is "Shipped".
These are the order statuses we use:
Awaiting Payment (parts aren't changed until they ship)
Awaiting Fulfillment
Unless there is an issue with your payment or parts availability, your order will go straight from "Awaiting Payment" to "Shipped" and then to "Complete" once you receive your order.
A: There is a Certificate of Conformance statement on the reverse of every invoice applicable to the parts listed on the front. If requested, customers can receive Domestic or Export Form 8130 with their order. For specific information and limitations click here.
A: Yes you can, if you have created an account. Login and select Order Status from the top menu. You can also call us at 1-800-826-9252 with questions about your order.
A: A credit card authorization is processed when your order is placed. Your credit card will not be charged until the order ships. PayPal orders are charged when the order is confirmed
A: Absolutely. Provisions are available to accommodate open account orders on the website. If you would like for us to fill your order using your open account, just sign up with our on-line store then send an email message to sales@aircraft-specialties.com letting us know your request. We will issue your account a line of credit for use on the website and notify you of its availability. (Note: It will have a limit to protect from abuse.) Choose this method when you check out and note your Purchase Order (P/O) number in the comments box. Like all other orders, your invoice will be mailed when your order ships. Once paid, the website line of credit will be replenished. Customers eligible for prompt pay discounts will see no change to their invoices.
A: Prices listed in a quote are valid for 45 days from the date of the quote. * Exception: Engine mount isolators (Please call 1-800-826-9252 for current pricing on engine mounts)
A: When your parts are ready someone from our billing department will call you with the invoice details. We take all major credit cards as well as wire transfers. Large engine shops or other high volume customers can apply for an open account or utilize COD with a company check.
A: If you do not have anything to ship your parts in, please call and we can send you the appropriate boxes. Please pack your parts very carefully and with lots of packing. Also we recommend that you insure your parts because we occasionally see parts sticking out the side of boxes. We will insure them when they are returned to you. If you choose to make a custom shipping container please know that we can not return the container to you. Our shipping insurance policy precludes shipping parts in an unauthorized container.
A: Please send a brief letter or PO that has an inventory list of what you are sending and what specific instructions you have. If no instruction is included, your order will be delayed while we track down your information. Without an inventory we have no way to determine if all of your parts arrived safely. We photograph each order received as it is being unpacked. We cannot be held responsible for items lost in shipping. In a few days you will receive an e-mail or letter with the inventory we received. It is important that you review the list and call immediately if an item is missing. Paperwork is very important!
A: Yes, if you also plan to send parts to one of our aviation neighbors such as Divco or Quality Aircraft Accessories. We will sort them out for local pickup per your written instructions. Combining your shipment onto one pallet or within a box can often be a major source of savings.
A: Yes. Our knowledgeable staff is happy to accommodate machine work targeted specifically to the Airboat market. There are some important differences that airboat customers should consider. Airboat machine work is processed under a separate entity from our Part 145 Repair Station. The Repair Station is only authorized to perform work on certificated articles. Airboat machine work is accomplished per the customers specifications and may not meet certified aircraft standards. There can be (if the customer requests) far more leeway applied to tolerances and imperfections. Bobby has a wealth of experience regarding airboat specifications and tolerances. Airboat machine work is not tracked by the electronic systems normally used by the shop. Airboat customers should coordinate their work with Bobby Merrell (x104). Status and delivery commitments should also be directed to Bobby. Please be patient if you attempt to address the status of airboat work with Repair Station personnel – they too must get the information directly from Bobby.
A: If you have questions regarding the contents in Block 12 (formerly Block 13) of a Shop 8130 we have created a cheat-sheet to take the mystery out of our in-house processes. Summary of Process Specifications
A: Finding a crankshaft in this condition is rare but does occasionally happen with third party part sellers. All work performed at Aircraft Specialties is done on a custom shop order to the customer’s instructions. The customer decides what, if any relevant service bulletins are accomplished and which dimensional tolerances are acceptable to him. We simply honor the customer’s instructions. All reworked crankshafts purchased directly from Aircraft Specialties are ground to new parts limits with all relevant service bulletins accomplished.
A: Customers occasionally have a hard time understanding the scope of work involved in overhauling a crankshaft. The short answer is - two to three weeks on average. If a crankshaft is in good shape with no corrosion or intrusive AD’s against it, and just needs inspection and polish, it can be shipped in about a week. If a crankshaft has corrosion pitting or needs repair involving chrome plating, it could take up to four weeks. We are sticklers for quality and chose the best vendors in the business. Some local vendors are unable to meet our quality standards so we have to ship parts to where the work can be accomplished properly. Another example where processing time has to be extended involves those crankshafts which are becoming rare and thus very expensive to replace. Customers are acutely interested in saving them, however it may take additional time to develop a suitable repair so the shaft can be made serviceable.
A: While it may seem counter-intuitive, believe it or not overhauled tappet bodies, when done properly, have lower failure rate than factory new parts. There is a reason for this. Building tappet bodies is part "art form" due to the nature of the metallurgy involved. If the metallurgy is not perfect, the tappet will likely spall at some point early in its life. If a tappet has made it to TBO without spalling, the metallurgy has proven itself good and once reconditioned, the likelihood of a subsequent failure is extremely rare.
A: Customers with a copy of our FAA Form 8130 can email or call Tina at ext. 110 to verify the history of an article processed by the Repair Station. While she cannot give third parties specific information related to the original customer, she can verify the legitimacy of the Form 8130 if you suspect fraud. In August 2015 Aircraft Specialties began featuring a watermark in Block 12 of the Form 8130 to address legitimacy issues.
A: When placing an order by phone it is helpful to have the following information available: engine model and/or the ink stamped part number found on the adapter itself. On O-520/O-550 series engines, location of the alternator, (front or rear). If you are having trouble identifying the starter adapter or don’t have access to an IPC, you can use our pictorial guide (TCM Starter Adapter Identification Guide). As a last resort, you can email a picture of your starter adapter unit directly from your smart phone to bob@aircraft-specialties.com.
A: There are a number of brands of starters in use on TCM engines, and while some are known to be better than others, having a starter on the "good list" doesn't necessarily mean you won't have any issues. The most important starter characteristic is the starter’s armature drag. The starter's output shaft/armature should be easily rotated with your fingers which usually equates to between 5-6 inch lbs. of drag.
A: Aircraft Specialties has specific warranties for certain products. New parts are covered by the respective Manufacturer’s Warranty, starter adapter overhauls have a separate warranty and reconditioned parts are covered by the warranty above.
A: Aircraft Specialties does not provide third-party warranty. All work performed at Aircraft Specialties is done on a custom shop order to the Customer’s instructions. Third-Party Sellers are no different than any other shop customer. They specify the work scope, accomplishment of relevant service bulletins and which dimensional tolerances are acceptable. We warranty the work to be consistent with the customer’s instructions. If you purchase an engine part from a third-party seller that is not up to your specifications, address the issue with them. Reconditioned engine parts purchased directly from Aircraft Specialties stock are typically ground to new parts limits with all relevant service bulletins accomplished.
Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure all information on this website is accurate, Aircraft Specialties Services does not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions. All specifications, illustrations, data and prices are subject to change without notice. Applications and interchangeability information depicted on this website is strictly for reference only. Installers must consult the engine/airframe IPC for the manufacturer’s approved data. All prices "each" unless specified. Images represent attributes, not quantity. Application information is provided for reference only. Make sure to refer to the applicable airframe/engine manufacturer's manual for exact application information.